Hello i was make imacros script yeah may this can useful for getting many friend on targeted goups
just click thanks if u feel useful after using this script
imacros any version (new version recommended)
browser chrome (tested and work)
open mobile facbk url m.facebo*k.com
I create a new facebook account but the old way to add friends by email scraping doesn't work in Fb. So any other way to send a request to all my list?
hi guys, just wanted to share my method of getting freinds on facebook
what you'll need
link gopher plugin
firstly install the plugin into ff
then i find friends that have lots of friends
and look at there friends list you'll need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list then i extract...
A newbie...
I'm looking for facebook/Iframe viral script/code.
I heard and read multiple times about the suggest/invite friends code with sellected all option that comes up after Ppl click the Like Button...
My Pages are dying
Is this still available out there.?
Thanks in Advance....
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