
  1. MIM Dilshan

    Questions About Facebook Account Suspensions

    I've recently noticed that some Facebook accounts get suspended shortly after being created, and I'm curious about the reasons behind it. I'm also interested in learning how to create a Facebook account without running into suspension issues. Here are my questions: What are the common reasons...
  2. D

    how to get online numbers for Fb verification

    hi, can you please recommand me a service to buy online number to bypass facebook verification ? i need to make fakes accounts. I already bought some proxies. Do you know if i can use same proxies for 2 accounts creation ? Thanks for answers
  3. flashsites

    Need 3 signup bots made: Skout, Kit, and Snapchat

    Hey BHWers I'm looking for someone who can make C# signup bots for a few sites. Please DM me for further details. Must have a freelancer or upwork account for payment protection. Thx