Zero friction markt - FAKE proof on his site

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Senior Member
May 3, 2008
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Screenshots on his sales page are fake.


[COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#0000bb]http[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff8000]// [/COLOR][/COLOR]


i dont get it.. whats wrong

There is trick called Javascript trick.. In this you paste a JV script code on the address bar and press enter and what ever site u have opened in ur browser can be easily edited..

However, if u do this and u r using firefox or opera, then they will display the red dotted underline under the words which are notr there in the dictionary..

Just google "spoof your earnings" and u will find the way to do it...
You know whats funny in one of their courses they talk about this type of stuff hahahaa!
so fucking what? he's banking now lmao
Most of income proof are fake, so why the Guru can make make money from the fake and drive ferrari. On his e-book a guru wrote these sentences: "Fake it till You Make it?How to Make Yourself Look Like a Millionaire....."

The worst i think maverick money makers, he encourage people to do many fake; e.g. social proof, reviews, photos, ect. So, what we need is to screw those guru's product, share it here and take care ourself...:cow_yello
Most of income proof are fake, so why the Guru can make make money from the fake and drive ferrari. On his e-book a guru wrote these sentences: "Fake it till You Make it?How to Make Yourself Look Like a Millionaire....."

The worst i think maverick money makers, he encourage people to do many fake; e.g. social proof, reviews, photos, ect. So, what we need is to screw those guru's product, share it here and take care ourself...:cow_yello

lol.. well said.
I also notice that most of 95% of EARNING PROOF of the sales letter are TOTALLY FAKE ... This is to BAIT the NEWBIES and squeeze their hard earner money to those so called GURU ... What a sad news?

I awakened from the IM Matrix not that long ago. I started noticing too many sales pages using the words:

Big Money
How they were bankrupt
Their beautiful {house|car|wife|vacation}
Their AMAZING 60 day Guarantee!

Whew. So glad I found this forum.


I awakened from the IM Matrix not that long ago. I started noticing too many sales pages using the words:

Big Money
How they were bankrupt
Their beautiful {house|car|wife|vacation}
Their AMAZING 60 day Guarantee!

Whew. So glad I found this forum.


You and me both brotha! Did you take the blue pill or the red pill?
alot of these products have fake income proof. I know about a lot of gurus using fake PP images to show millions in their PP account. I even contacted 1 who said "search google and you'll know how much he makes"
You know this sort of gives my theory substance.

I have this opinion that many of the people who create hype and sell these clickbank ebooks havent even tried the methods themselves nor have been really successful in their own personal niche. They whip out some ebook with basic information/ general info and copy-paste-generate these fake screenshots and create hype by partnering up with people.

That there goes to show. It's sad though. And yeah, the guy is getting $$$ for it but essentially tricking people into believing. Of course a lot of noobs usually fall into it so boohoo.

I usually steer clear of stuff thats too hyped up. Just an indication of the many JV partners that endorsed the product in question.
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