YT Partner program ?


Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys I just got a invite from youtube for the partner program but the problem is its on a spam account and none of the videos are mine or anything...i was wondering if I could sign up and quickly delete all the videos and start putting up my original own videos...looking for some insight on this..iv wanted to make videos on youtube for a long time now and this would be awesome to be a partner If i could swing it!
I got also an invite on 2 of my accounts. I'm still waiting for a reply.

I know someone, who got denied, and also his videos deleted.

So you should better don't have any strip videos, or videos with any copyright like music, movies, tv-shows, etc.

On one of my accounts I have a video game, so I don't think that this one will get accepted. The other one should be.
yeah i know the content won't be accepted..i guess this is nothing for me to get excited about
I've had one of my strip vids accepted in YT partner program. But it hasn't done me much good. They haven't put any ads up on the vid yet...they did have me link the vid to my adsense account tho.

So I'm not real impressed with the YT partner program so far...but if you want to take a look at my vid the title is "Pretty Girl Stripping" - I don't want to post the vid here because I'm afraid it might cause it to be taken down...altho it ain't doin me much good anyway....but you never know.
Just have one vid in partner program, not my whole account. YT sent me an email and invited me to enter one vid into the program. I really didn't expect to have it accepted because it's a strip vid (very mild) but I submitted it and they accepted it.