Youtube Video Thumbnail Exact Timing


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score

I need a little help from the Youtube Crowd,I'm trying to start a small project and I got stuck with something that should've been easy.

I haven't worked with youtube lately and for about 2 days i'm struggling with Timing to set my youtube Video thumbnail.
Unfortunatelly the channel I use isn't monetized and I don't have the option to upload a random image as my video thumbnail.
The videos that I try to upload are about 90 Minutes long,and placing "my thumbnail" at the middle of the video is not working anymore.
Can you guys send me some directions?
I tried using this calculator but unfortunatelly,it's outdated.

i think for non partners, you now get the choice between 3 pics that are taken from your video, and there's mostly bound to be 1 good one in it. Youtube doesn't just pick something from exactly the middle anymore. I think.

I've been a partner for 2 months now, so I don't really remember.
It's difficult to get the exact timing on which thumbnail YouTube pick, unless you are a partner. Just make sure you have some good images at the beginning, middle and at the end of the video.
They changed it I think. I upload a 4 second thumbnail directly in the middle of the video, but sometimes it doesn't work.
Always such a pain in the ass to get this right. Sometimes they give you the worst thumbnails to choose from.

There should be a button under the suggested thumbnails that says "Custom Thumbnail" by the way im not a partner so don't know why you wouldn't have it.
im not a partner and i can get custom thumbnails on youtube?

Are you sure you have the costum thumbnail options and you're not a partner?

In what country you live?

Ps. Some nasty kids flagged my video after 2 days and 5k views,i feel like crying lol,but now i'm gonna place 4 videos at a time.