Youtube Video Ranking Journey!


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
So i want to create a journey about ranking a youtube video.
My plan is :
-steal someone HQ video.
-edit it with Windows Movie Maker add song.
-Get it to the top#1 on best keyword searches on YT.

I'm gonna use Vagex and Websyndic Autosurf for gain real views.
My video is gonna be about hack and i think i don't gonna paste any links on description because it can get deleted too fast. When i reach top#10 i gonna put my links on description.

Here is screenshoots from YT keyword tool.
Red = Main Keyword
Green = Another keyword releated to my niche.

So i gonna add about 500-1000 Vagex credits everyday and some credits with websyndic site.
For likes and comments i use my own youtube accounts.
or just upload 100 quality spun videos, use YouTube seo by using the description and tags and make more money ?
Get some. There's plenty of softwares for mass upload/download on this forum (FOR FREE).

Hint: Search Tubenoia.

Tubenoia will only get your accounts deleted as it's outdated.
Get some. There's plenty of softwares for mass upload/download on this forum (FOR FREE).

Hint: Search Tubenoia.

Thanks for the tips. But i want to get one quality video in first page and 1st place.
If you want to speak about youtube methods or anything feel free to pm me with your skype ID.

So okay i done creating my channel.
Description,Channel Name and Tags releated to my niche. Uploaded avatar to my channel.

My video is uploaded too. Write a short description with Extra tags (i think they working) add some tags.
Now it's time to promote it. I'm starting earning credits from vagex and websyndic for my videos.
Today gonna create about 5-10 YT accounts for tommorow comments.

So stats for today :

Day 1
Views : 0
Likes/Dislikes : 0/0
Comments : 0
Subscribers : 0

Maybe i should try add my video to sites like
you don't need to use software just work hard and upload as many as you can. i upload 1 video per account from my experience it help you from getting videos banned PS put the title of your video in the description 3 times one after the other.
Thanks for comments :)
Tommorow i gonna do a big blast of comments to my video about 20-30 comments if i found the time :)
Sorry for don't updating my thread but i havent so many time.
So stats for my video for today :
Views : 84
Likes/Dislikes : 8/0
Comments : 9

My video has about 950 credits left on vagex, i think my view count gonna be about 500-800 in next few days :)
Also some of my views coming from google/youtube search but my video is not ranked on 1# page yet.
It's any way to look on what position is your video? i think searching on youtube is a bit lame.:cool:
So stats for today :
Views : 420
Likes/Dislikes: 37/0

Today i posted my video on in a next few days i'm gonna post on more social bookmarking sites and embeed my video on my site :)
interested in this ...maybe some pro come with some great tips
This seems pretty good, gonna follow

Are you going to rank it with views, likes and comments ?
This seems pretty good, gonna follow

Are you going to rank it with views, likes and comments ?
Stats for my video today :

My video is ranked for one keyword on 3# place. But it's not my main keyword. I need about 5,000 and more views to rank in the top#10 in main keyword. Wish me a lot of good luck because after i gain 1,000 views i only gonna do likes and comments;)
So this thread is dead already? What a pity.
i was kind of interested in it.
ill post a proper SEO method for you guys for my first share on the forum
in a new thread check it out.