Youtube Video Flagger Bot


Regular Member
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score

I need a youtube video flag bot. I'm not a jelous person and I know how to rank my own videos, and I NEVER go after competition. I've been in this business for long enough to respect the rules, but what some guy is doing to me is getting me really frustrated. He is copying all my hard work and videos that I've made for months and he is outranking me!

Please help me with a youtube flagger bot. Tell me your price and timeframe please?

I can probably make you such a bot, but still there are a lot of details to be talked out, sent you a pm so we can talk on skype

I need a youtube video flag bot. I'm not a jelous person and I know how to rank my own videos, and I NEVER go after competition. I've been in this business for long enough to respect the rules, but what some guy is doing to me is getting me really frustrated. He is copying all my hard work and videos that I've made for months and he is outranking me!

Please help me with a youtube flagger bot. Tell me your price and timeframe please?


I can see about making one of these on the side of another job I'm working on. If that's all you need is something that will thumb down videos, I can see about making that happen.

I'll send you a PM. Might I suggest you report his videos, if he is copying you, you can get his account taken down for copying or ripping material that is not his; especially if he is trying to make a profit off of it.
If he's blatantly stealing your videos than you can easily prove it. Your explanation doesn't hold up and imo this threat should be closed. How blackhat is too blackhat?
If he's blatantly stealing your videos than you can easily prove it. Your explanation doesn't hold up and imo this threat should be closed. How blackhat is too blackhat?

Agreed, OP report the guy if he is ripping off your vids.
If we all go down the neg seo route we will only end up screwing each other and everybody loses.
Don't become a scumbag just get better at what you do.
Agreed, OP report the guy if he is ripping off your vids.
If we all go down the neg seo route we will only end up screwing each other and everybody loses.
Don't become a scumbag just get better at what you do.

I'd usually agree with this, but you can't go running to google / youtube if your video is promoting a PPD link or some shady clickbank product. Best to flag the videos down and get them removed that way in this case imo.. that'l soon put an end to the thieving
I can help you with your requirement. PM me so we can discuss it in detail.
I'd usually agree with this, but you can't go running to google / youtube if your video is promoting a PPD link or some shady clickbank product. Best to flag the videos down and get them removed that way in this case imo.. that'l soon put an end to the thieving

Exactly! I've been flagging this guy from the moment I saw him uploading my video, but I've got to the point where I was doing more falgging than promoting my own videos. He uses software to upload and probably some kind of an incredible bot to boost his videos to first page in one day! It's impossible to hunt down all these videos manually, let alone report them and debate it with youtube. He simply uploads faster than I can report him.

I will NEVER become a scumbag, and I would NEVER do harm to my competitor just because he is a position or two before me! First is NOT in my nature and second I wouldn't want anyone to do that to me either. But this is about dignity here! He is earning more than me with MY video! I've never flagged anyone copying me, simply because they do not hide my watermarks that good, or at all. But this guy has manipulated the video SO WELL that even I can barely recognize it! I've spend months to create it and now he's outranking me with my own video! It's unbearable!

I've done everything in my power to stop him, but nothing works.
I've received some very low private bids and somewhat high. I'd like to see a few more though.

So this job is still up. Please PM me with your price so I'll know if we can continue discussing this or not.
I'm interested in this as well. I want to buy a bot or pay on a per video takedown basis.
Anyone interested in a YouTube Video Flagger can send me a PM or e-mail me at [email protected]. Mine allows multiple videos to be imported, and mass set for x # of flags (or manually set a different # of flags per video), account importing (proxy binded), and a built in video checker. Contact me if you're interested.
You still buy flagger bot ?