Youtube Reupload WARNING!!!

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Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
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So I've been reuploading videos to youtube for a few months now, started to actually make some decent cash and then BAM!! Dating affiliate account terminated. Why? Someone complained I was using their content without permission. 100s of bucks down the drain. Thanks copyright!
Anything like it happen to you guys? I guess there's no way around it since they can always check their cookie and report you with that?
Also, I got a check before I was terminated, do you think they'll bounce it?
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Someone complained to the CPA network or to YouTube? I guess I am not following how (assuming it was your YT account that got closed) you are out any money?
Yeah, the question is, did they ban your Youtube account or the one your money was on.
That's gay.

You were blanking/fudging referrers right?
where you an auctical youtube affiliate like with the adsense and everything on it?
if so , that sucks big time :/
out of curiosity , how much $ did you make on average from it?

No, it wasn't youtube aff account. It was an aff account with some dating company. Why does everyone think that? Guess noone heard about affiliates deleting accounts because of copyright complaints? I gotta be the unluckiest person on the planet.
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did they took your aff id from your website ? you should encode it with java , would make it somewhat harder to do , not imposibble tho but harder :)
Similar thing happened to me. I used to send nice traffic from YT to my website using a surveys gateway. One day I got an email from my AM that I should stop all campaigns I run on Youtube otherwise my earnings will be revoked and my account terminated. Reason given as per email I got was that Google reported my publisher ID to the network. I don't know why networks care about this...
There's a good way to hide you aff id - use Ajax to fetch, JS to decode, then post the visitor onward so it's not on the url.
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