Your preferred web IDE?


Power Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Curious as to what people prefer to use for a web IDE. I used to use phpstorm, but am looking to switch to codelobster due to the proclaimed support of many different frameworks and scripts. If you use codelobster pro, please do let me know how you like it too.

If you're not using an IDE (ex: notepad++, notepad, general text editor) you could/should switch to one. Code highlighting, completion, refactoring and other nifty features.
haven't used codelobster, but what OS are you on?

For me, I'm on Ubuntu and I use Geany for nearly everything (best program ever!)
Although for larger projects with a lot of classes I'll use netbeans.

When I was on windows I used Nusphere PhpED (pretty good).

In regards to framework support, that does look good, but do you really use all of those frameworks?
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Windows, and I do actually.

Smarty I use for ecommerce sites (not custom built, they just use smarty)
Wordpress for quick setup CPA sites
CodeIgniter for custom projects
Drupal for authority/business sites.
jQuery for practically every project
Cakephp and Symfony would only be needed on client request or for tailored projects.

I do alot of work for different types of people and it just happens that most of the plugins either fit my needs or my clients.
I 'm going strong with PhpStorm.
Notepad++ have code highlighting and code completion although i hate its code completion functionality.
CodeLobster claims that its portable but there is only standard installer download, also no python support or i'm missing something.
I use a combination of ZendStudio (for PHP), dreamweaver (for HTML) and notepad++ for everything else.
Same as Archeon - Zend for Php, DW for html and sometimes Frontpage for html depending on original code (tables or divs). Used to be able to find Zend on bittorrents but not sure anymore.