Your App Monetization Strategies


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I am curious to hear from those who have successfully monetized their mobile apps, and worked within the space, and what strategies/integrations you believe worked best for you. This could involve, rewarded videos, forced watch, offer walls etc. There are several companies that I am looking at integrating with (IronSource and Adgate), though I'm open to suggestions if there is a specific strategy that you think will work better.

Let's not discount the potential integration of adult offers (for apps that aren't to be listed on the App Store, or Google Play Store).

I have experience with game apps. Use ad mediation and connect as many networks as you can. I use interstitial and rewarded ads, some money can be made from IAP on iOS.
Thanks guys, appreciate the suggestions.
I think subscriptions are a sick method to get recurring revenue. There is a live wallpaper app that uses subscriptions and makes a $100k per month.

Can't recall the name but the app gives some lwp for free and then the good ones are locked behind the subscription
Any ideas for getting around requirements to show payments received by other CPA networks when waiting for approval? Since they are asking for screenshots... you can probably tell where I'm going with this, but is it that easy?