xvideo comments... anyone actually read them?

SEO Sniper

Registered Member
May 17, 2015
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I am planning a side-project of mine to spam xvideos.com with my aff links. One thing comes to mind though. Do any of these horny guys actually read the video comments lol? Viewing the comment section requires a button click, which I think further discourages people from viewing them. I saw adrians porn method and I am very willing to try it, but my slow internet connection won't let me. :(
I saw one where someone commented "Wow! just a few drops? she put all that effort, and all this dou*he bag gave her was a few drops?", ohhhh you mean for making money :), do you read them?
No on my experience People dont watch mostly on Comments. But you can buy ads of pornpages like pornhub youporn ect. on trafficjunky.
I think most people are otherwise preoccupied
...fap fap fap

Couldn't hurt to try it, though :)
I haven't had any experience but i've developed 2 different software for spam on adult sites. so i believe it works if your comments look natural.
Don't waste your time on xvideos, they approve manually every comment.
Yeah they do look when they want to know pornstar's name :D
Yeah they do look when they want to know pornstar's name :D

Generally speaking this is not the strongest mechanism available on that particular site to drive traffic. I understand OP has a resource limitation that prevents the original implementation of Adrian's method, but it will take a lot of comment spam to generate anywhere near the results that videos themselves will generate. Figure it out OP - you will seriously be wasting your time with comment spam on Xvideos unless you are talking comment spam in the 10's of thousands weekly. This could return results simply due to volume.
I don't think it would work...i actually commented on every video i posted (same user upload same user comment), the comments stayed for a day, then next day they magically ALL disappeared. it mightve worked if i opened a new account to upload, but especially on xvideo i wouldnt waste my time.
I read the star wars spoiler on one comment of those sites, 100 people upvoted it. Fuck them.
I read the star wars spoiler on one comment of those sites, 100 people upvoted it. Fuck them.

That's a pretty dirtbag move on their part. Glad you're not spilling the beans. Some of us still haven't seen it.
I can say honestly, I don't read comments. I'm too busy looking at P*ssy.