Xrumer & Senuke


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hello comunity.
I did some test's with Xrumer and Senuke on one of my new blog's, just for a start i just starting blogging for like three month's ago and not making big money a day just few's cents, i have try avery thing to promote my new blogs and nothing was give me good results, so i belive that 99% of the autosubmit,autoblog etc...softwares online are just bullsxxt,3 week ago i got xrumer and senuke since then i was able to rank my blogs on firts page of google for the keywords i have chosse, indexed fast,fast backlinks,and fews cent starting coming.

Senuke reviews: is a great soft to creat account's and bookmarking but is also take you to much time and also manual capachs...
1 blog with senuke is not one top 10 yet been working on that for the last 2 weeks.

Sorry for my english as is not my first language
Xrumer Review: Perfect the best soft to promoting ever i saw, high price but guys it work so well.
1 blog with xrumer is on top 10 working on it for 2 weeks.

My opinion now is that xrumer is work much better than senuke,forums and blogs is work like a charm..
But i'm not any guru just a beginer same as you...
Blogging is same as fishing takes time to see good results,so never give up.
Congrats on your successes!! It's always nice to hear.

You can get a captcha service so you don't have to do them manually in SENuke. I have used SENuke and agree it takes time to set it up but it's quicker than doing everything manually.
Good job Pttugas. Go for the captcha service it will save you mucho time. Hey, your doing just fine on the english, it really makes me want to learn another language myself. I just read that Dolph Lundgren knows 7 languages, lol Man, i've been slacking. :(
thank you for the review. Is there any crack for Senuke or Xrumer?
I just bought both of them...they are BOTH well worth the money!
I am also looking for one to market my blogs. Please guide!

Is there anyone which can market without logging in the software, as I am planning to have 10+ blogs and you know its hard to manage all that manually!