Xrumer Apprehension


Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
Xrumer is all the buzz around here. I'd really like to try it. I have two concerns:

1. I have a site that is already ranking #2 for most keywords. I'd like to get it to #1, but I definitely don't want it to be penalized for BH techniques.

2. I have other sites that are new. I've spent a good deal of time building them. I would hate to get sandboxed out of the gate by using xrumer.

What are the possibilities of these two scenarios?
If you use xrumer correctly you will kick ass. In the beginning you might go down a few spots due to increase of backlinks but later you'll come back stronger. As for the sandbox, I personally think sometimes its inevitable whether you use xrumer or not. I'd say about almost half of my whitehat sites have been sandboxed in the past and usually get out within 6-12 months and come out strong. Slow and steady wins the race. Dont add thousands of BLs at once, at them slowly and continuously.

At the end of the day it all comes down to how you use xrumer and if you know what you are doing.
Thanks Given. Do you run xrumer yourself, or do you pay a service provider? Service providers seem like a cheaper solution, at least initially.