WTF Penguin! That was all I needed to do?


Regular Member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello my fellow blackhatters! I have something to report to you! I have somewhat recovered from penguin by doing one simple step! All I had to do was remove my sitewide blogroll linking to other sites...

Yeah. That simple. I am pissed, yet happy at the same time lol. I mean, I fretted about everything. I de-optimized my articles, bought some link building services (they worked a little), I even added a forums and memberships to my site! and yet I didn't get any significant results. I decided to remove my blogroll, and bam! 2 days later, a nice recovery!

Just a heads up to you guys that got hit by penguin. Try removing the blogroll if you have one. I realize that we all got hit by something different, but I hope it helps you out as much as it did to me! :D

As always, good luck on your IM journey ;)
How can you be sure it was that? These things don't happen overnight. Your previous changes could have helped too, but it took a bit longer for Google to crawl and process the update content etc.

Then again, if your blog roll contained a list of random irrelevant links to other sites then maybe they thought you were just selling backlinks, and penalised you as a result.
Yup, it worked for me too. I posted this elsewhere. I had some SWs on another site accounting for 25% , removed 98% of them them & it took about 5 days to get back.
How long for you?
My other sites are going on 5 days so there should be a change there too.
How can you be sure it was that? These things don't happen overnight. Your previous changes could have helped too, but it took a bit longer for Google to crawl and process the update content etc.

Then again, if your blog roll contained a list of random irrelevant links to other sites then maybe they thought you were just selling backlinks, and penalised you as a result.

Actually, I was selling only 1 link. I was selling it to my competitor, and I decided to stop selling him the link. I am pretty sure that this is it because I haven't done anything different the past 2 weeks, other than constantly writing new articles.
Yup, it worked for me too. I posted this elsewhere. I had some SWs on another site accounting for 25% , removed 98% of them them & it took about 5 days to get back. How long for you?My other sites are going on 5 days so there should be a change there too.
It took about 1-2 days for me, but then again, this is an authority site that I write about 3-4 articles/day on (Yes, I actually write. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to speed the process up though)
Glad you recovered, But don't be so sure a blog roll links were what got you hit in the first place. Not trying to put a drag on you but it could of been from link building you did or any of the other things you did or a combo of them and google saw all them and gave you credit for them... Just never know really..
Hello my fellow blackhatters! I have something to report to you! I have somewhat recovered from penguin by doing one simple step! All I had to do was remove my sitewide blogroll linking to other sites...

Yeah. That simple. I am pissed, yet happy at the same time lol. I mean, I fretted about everything. I de-optimized my articles, bought some link building services (they worked a little), I even added a forums and memberships to my site! and yet I didn't get any significant results. I decided to remove my blogroll, and bam! 2 days later, a nice recovery!

Just a heads up to you guys that got hit by penguin. Try removing the blogroll if you have one. I realize that we all got hit by something different, but I hope it helps you out as much as it did to me! :D

As always, good luck on your IM journey ;)

Giving it a shot will post results.
Yeah, there are so many variables to analyze that its really hard to know what exactly was done to recover a site...
But what about people with real websites - you know the kind they build themselves
If anything this may been because of the link you sold. Although rare, Google will reduce a sites rankings (PageRank specifically) of websites known for selling backlinks.

This is more than likely the case, but very rare, especially the quick recovery time. Penguin just completed another "revamp" on the 8th of this month, when did your rankings recover?

Did you change any onsite stuff in the meantime?
Good share OP, hopefully this helps some other black hatters in the same situation as you.
Slowly we will figure out this non-flying bird.
Maybe it's not such a good idea to have blogrolls links on your own website, but it seems like all of my top competitors that just keeps on surviving update after update has mostly blogroll links as backlinks from high pr domains.
If anything this may been because of the link you sold. Although rare, Google will reduce a sites rankings (PageRank specifically) of websites known for selling backlinks.

This is more than likely the case, but very rare, especially the quick recovery time. Penguin just completed another "revamp" on the 8th of this month, when did your rankings recover?

Did you change any onsite stuff in the meantime?

Yeah it probably was the case. My PR went down by one rank when the PR update occurred. It recovered around yesterday, so I doubt it was Panda that brought me back up.
Maybe it's not such a good idea to have blogrolls links on your own website, but it seems like all of my top competitors that just keeps on surviving update after update has mostly blogroll links as backlinks from high pr domains.

Yeah, my competitor survived because of my blogroll link, so it may seem like that blogroll links negatively affect the site it's on, and positively affects the site the link is linking to.