$2.00 for 500 words unique with main keyword and LSI
Will make sure to include basic ONSITE SEO
My price + quality will put most to shame!
ACT NOW AND PM ME hahahaha
Seriously though, I have samples and I'm dead serious about $2.00 for 500 words
Hi, I am looking for a person who will write for me a few articles (300-400 words). Articles should be in perfect english and unique.
Please send me your prices for 1 article on PM.
Best regards
Can anyone of you write articles for a tech or digital media blog? I need well researched content, if yes pm me with price please.
Can anyone of you write articles for a tech or digital media blog? I need well researched content, if yes pm me with price please.
My Rate is $0.80 per 100 words which would make $3.2 for a 400 words article, pls add me in skype if you select meHi, I am looking for a person who will write for me a few articles (300-400 words). Articles should be in perfect english and unique.
Please send me your prices for 1 article on PM.
Best regards