First off, this guide has been posted before (atleast I think), but l want to elaborate more on it.
What you need
-Youtube Account
-MyLikes Account
-Vagex, Viewtornado, anywhere to buy views
Or buy them from a trusted BHW member here
-Money(don't worry, you make a profit)
What you need
-Youtube Account
-MyLikes Account
-Vagex, Viewtornado, anywhere to buy views
Or buy them from a trusted BHW member here
-Money(don't worry, you make a profit)
Make an account at
Link it to your youtube account, they will take you through all of this when you make an account
Go thru the offers and pick on you want to do.
Some of them are $21 dollars per 1000 views, some are less or more.
Make the video.
Purchase some views, I reccomend you get them from
I would just purchase 5000 views for 7 dollars.
Since it is 21 dollars per 1000 views, you end up with 105 bucks. Quick and easy profit.
I would advise that you add some likes and comments to the video to, just to make it more legit looking.