Would this work?


Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
What's up guys? Great site. I've only read for 30 mins, but I love it. I have an idea that would take a little work, but could bring in some extra cash. Please give your opinions and thoughts on legality of it.

Here it goes. Say store A and store B sell the same item, but store A has it for a few bucks cheaper. What do you think about buying it from A and returning it to B without a receipt. This will net you the difference between the products. Store A made profit, you made profit, but store B breaks even if they resell it. Legal? Also what about just buying an item when it's on sale and bringing it back once the sale ends. A buy one get one free sale could net you 100%.
Great idea except it definitely won't work without a receipt. Therefore....:confused:
Great idea except it definitely won't work without a receipt. Therefore....:confused:

How about buying fake jackets from china ... dhgate, alibaba.

Go buy a real jacket .. and go back with the fake jacket, a few days later, at the same store you bought the "REAL ONE" .. now getting all money back.. :)

So now you got a REAL Jacket with the price of the Chinese faked one.. ;)

Well the no receipt thing is only a bump in the road and not a block. You'd have to know some of the return policies at certain stores. A quick search showed me that store W will return you cash up to 25 dollars and a store credit after that. Store C will take back almost anything, but only gives cash up to 10 dollars. Depending on the store, credit might not be too bad because you could do all your shopping there for free. Or you could just sell the gift card to a friend.

The jacket idea is good, but I think it takes the fraud aspect to a higher level. I think it's a little more legal to return real undamaged products.
One more thing I wanted to mention before I get to bed is that some stores have their own brand items and will take these products back no matter what. One large U.S drugstore has its own brand and will even take the item back if it has been completely used -with or without a receipt. Their policy is also very leniate with non store brand items.

Man, another thing I just realized is that they will do substitutions on items if they are out of stock. For example if they are out of AJAX soap which is on sale for 1 dollar they will sell you a 2 dollar dawn for 1 dollar even if the dawn isn't on sale.

With this method you will not become rich, but I can definetly see a few hundred a month maybe a few hundred a week if you have enough stores in your area with weak return policies. At store W with a return policy of 25 cash without a receipt you can probably go twice in a day then send your friend in twice. Then go to the store W in the next town and do it again.

Feel free to try to add to the idea or talk me outta it. The only limiting factor is the number of stores in your area and the differences you can find between them.
Probably one of the most pathetic ideas I've ever seen. You can do better than exploiting return policies. Plus it would be a shit load of hassle and the workers would catch on after you did it twice in a row. Not worth it.
Probably one of the most pathetic ideas I've ever seen. You can do better than exploiting return policies. Plus it would be a shit load of hassle and the workers would catch on after you did it twice in a row. Not worth it.
Lame-ola.... As a contractor I return shistloads of stuff every month... an I keep the receipts... BECAUSE.. if you don't have the rec't most stores will only credit (on store credit) and for the lowest amount it had been sold for in the past year...

IE: I paid 159.00 for a pump. Turned out I didn't need it so I returned it, store was happy to take it back without a rec't ... however... they had a sale 3 months ago and the same pump was on sale for 79.00 (i never knew) but without a rec't that's the best they could do... I chuckled and pulled the rec't for 159.00 from my pocket and they gave me CASH.

Anyway... you can do much better with far less work... apply the internet properly and you won't have to return anything!