Words To Think About

Ok time to stop and smell the roses. Expected (hoped) to see a few key words that would get me first page rankings.
Can't be understated. This is why every journey I've ever followed has ended up failing.
Lots of people lose that "passion" that initially drives them to succeed in the first place and their grasp on greatness eludes them.
I think a lot of the time the passion is lost when people set unrealistic goals to start with, so many people i deal with believe because it's the internet that it's easy money and when they are not making a fortune after a week they lose interest.
Set small goals to start, reach them and up scale as you go. " The biggest buildings start on a few bricks "
When people get comfortable, that's a problem. You end up losing that drive that kept you from staying broke. A good system of rewarding yourself worked for me. Something like:
50 conversions and I'll buy a new server and set up a script for upvoting.
100 conversions, I buy a new computer, and make one a slave.
Patience is a good tool. Too bad most people turn it into procrastination.

I think having a definite "why" is the key. All of my past goals were primarily to make money. Because money is ubiquitous, it'll never be a definite "why". Almost every internet marketer starts out with money as their "why", which subsequently leads to their agonizing demise.
When people get comfortable, that's a problem. You end up losing that drive that kept you from staying broke. A good system of rewarding yourself worked for me. Something like:
50 conversions and I'll buy a new server and set up a script for upvoting.
100 conversions, I buy a new computer, and make one a slave.

I do something very similar. Starting with small goals/rewards. It is a very effective way off staying motivated and focused for sure.
Nice words. I noticed a lot when successful people get asked about the advice they would give and they say "never do anything you don't want to do".

This could be interpreted to fit your words in that you have to always make sure you are doing stuff that you love doing - because it's much easier to be successful at something if you love doing it and you are passionate about it.