Wordpress Problem


Power Member
Sep 17, 2008
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Ok so I guess I am a noob with wordpress. Can a pro help me out?

Basically the problem is I'm trying to create my terms of use and privacy policy. I have the content for it, I even have the text for them in the footer. Now how the FUCK do I create the page and link it to that text in the footer?

If I use the Create Page function is goes up top with the things like Home, About Me, Contact...

delete php code page navigation @ header
and than create page link to footer
Well that is what I checked first, the header code. But the problem is the code I need to delete is not in the header code for some reason. All it really has is this:

<ul id="NaviBar">
<li><a <?php if (is_page('home')) echo('class="current" '); ?>href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li='); ?>
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&titl e_li='); ?>

just learning by doing
try try you will get result
Deleting that will make it so that every time I create a page it will no longer create the page in the header?
Damn that got rid of my entire header bar. I still want the pages like About Me, Contact, & Subscribe to appear up there though.

I just don't understand why it is so difficult to add a page to only the footer and not the header.

lol now that I've put the code back in to get my header back, the header is broken. :(
what theme are you using? some themes are easy to configure and some are almost impossible without messing other things up.
Coralis theme? Is that bad? Can you give me some better suggestions?
well i personally use thesis or anything that allows me custom css functions.. and alot of people say oh thesis is really easy.. to be honest its not unless you have some knowledge of css in most cases and php in some. lemme have a look at coralis. and ill post if i can figure out hwo to fix ur problem
amn that got rid of my entire header bar. I still want the pages like About Me, Contact, & Subscribe to appear up there though.

Basically the problem is I'm trying to create my terms of use and privacy policy. I have the content for it, I even have the text for them in the footer. Now how the FUCK do I create the page and link it to that text in the footer?

just create <a href=>privacypolicy</a> at your header manualy
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li='); ?>
Thank you guys for the help but due to the fact that I generally don't really like this theme anyways and the info cheva just gave me about themes being easier to edit, I think I'm going to switch.

Since I don't really know much about css I won't do thesis, but does anyone have any suggestions of a nice theme that is fairly easy to play with?
i think iv got a fairly easy way for u to do this..

u cud either just use a plugin hxxp://wordpress[dot]org/extend/plugins/exclude-pages/

or find this
<?php wp_list_pages();?>

in ur header file. i think it wud be there
or depending where coralis has its nav code
and then replace it with

<?php wp_list_pages('exclude=21,22' ); ?>

21 and 22 being the page ids you dont want to show in the list

hope it helps :)