WordPress posts outside of WordPress


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2016
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i could not find a decent wordpress theme. All theme seems slow for my website So I have decided to pick any simple HTML 5 template and insert WordPress posts.

Are they any templates already built to do that or do I just need to create my own?

I'm only interested in WP post showing up on nice page. I use wp automatic and won't be using wp admin at all.
Well, you could pull the posts directly from the database. It's waaay faster and can be much more memory efficient if you do it well, the downside is that there are no plugins, which I guess it's not a problem for you since you're not planning on using the admin screen.

The key tables are wp_posts an wo_postmeta. The database design diagram is on the web if you need it.

Oh, now that I think about it, I forgot to mention that you can use a cache plugin to generate and use a cached, static HTML page.
Hi, I used base template from underscores.me for this, may be it will help you. But if u only need one page, I think u better do your theme from scratch.
I did some research. I think RSS feed pull would be a better option. can someone recommend me good standalone php code to pull RSS on html pages?