Wordpress Plugin

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Junior Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Is there a plugin out there I can use to change a few words around on my pages?

I have paid content from abc.com.

There articles are on my site with written by abc.com

I would like to substitute abc.com with mysite.com on all the pages.
Search and Replace plugin might work.

ya read his post but couldn't read two posts down to see this already mentioned? thread too long??

Or just use WP Uniquifier (or something like that)

he just wants to replace a link with his link.

run this:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE ( post_content, 'http://oldlink.com', 'http://newlink.com' );

Go to phpmyadmin, navigate to your wordpress database, click on 'SQL', paste the text in the box [with the modified links of course], hit 'GO' and you are set.
Will this work if its on a page not a post. All articles start off like

Story Written By ( John Doe abc.com)
There are various plugins for performing this operation. Best way is to do with the phpMyAdmin. You can fire query in phpMyAdmin for this operation and it will replace all instances of required text. If you are not sure then please ask your web-developer and database administrator to perform it for you. Please make sure to take whole database backup before proceeding.
You can able to replace it by using Wordpress auto spinner....
This thread was created in 2010.

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