WordPress hacking/password retrieval


Registered Member
Feb 1, 2010
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I have a blog on Minthost.com I can access my Cpanel and view the blogs files. BUT I can't login to myblog/wp-admin/ (story here ) basicly someone from WP Direct installed it for me and somehow or other the password/username is wrong.
I don't know what if any email was use for the administrator address so I cant just get a new password.

So can I retrieve the password by accessing the files or the DB (again I've no password)?

Regards aamcle
Do you have access to the SQL database? If so hit me up and I will help you. AldarHawkHB is my AIM.
Okay got to
enter the password you want then generate a md5 hash copy the hash login to your phpmyadmin find your username in the user table and replace the md5 hash in the password field with the generated one and you should be able to login with your user/password and when your viewing the user table you should be able to see the email address they used aswell
Just had the db open it looks like there are no ie zero users !! registered.

Even "Select * from WP_users" reruns an empty result it should print the table.

I'm begining to this it would be easier to re-install wp my self.

SORTED I've re-installed the blog and imported it into WP direct

Regards aamcle
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