**Wordpress Developer Needed. I Need a Site Built for a Local Client Quickly!**


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for checking out my job posting. I am looking for a Wordpress developer who can build a custom theme and site for a local business client of mine. I also request that you have some skills in photoshop/design because you will need to make some logos, banners, and so on. This should be a pretty easy job.

It's very important that we get the site built as quickly as possible, so please only message me if you're not too busy with other work and know you can get it done soon. Because of the industry he's in, his busy season is coming up very soon and he wants the website ready to go within the next week or 2.

My client is in the heating and cooling business and he wants his site modeled similar to these 2 sites:



The site needs to have a similar look and feel as those, but it needs to be different enough so that it doesn't look like he copied them. For example, a different placement of the boxes and the products, different images, etc.

I will be able to supply a few of his business logos and some other images to use, but some of them you will need to make yourself or just find some stock photos to use.

Here are some features the site needs to have:

- About 8 pages
- Custom header at the top with logo and phone number for business
- Contact form
- aWeber box so customers can put in their info
- Box that advertises specials
- Rotating banner with about 3 banners in it that rotate
- Product images that link to a page with more details on the product. Similar to the way the 2 sites I linked to above have it. (furnaces, air conditioners, hot water tanks, etc.)
- Testimonials section on homepage and ability for customers to add their own testimonials

We will go over everything else in more detail with whoever ends up working on this project.

If you're interested, please PM me or respond here with the following:

1.) Your price quote
2.) How long it will take you to complete
3.) Some previous examples of your Wordpress related work
4.) Links to any profiles you may have on freelancing sites so I can see your prior jobs/feedback.

Thanks for reading.
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WordPress Expert here.............Kindly check my iTrader on BHW and my PM. Thanks.
Thanks for the responses so far everyone. I'll be going through the PMs today. The project is still open too so if anyone else wants to PM me a bid they can and I'll check it out.
Respected Sir,

I am interested in doing this for you....

Please provide me a detailed requirement list so that I can analyze it and send you the quote for this....
Once we decide things, I will start working immediately..

I have a great team of skilled and experienced professionals.

Waiting for your reply...

Looking forward for business..

Thanks and Regards.
we make custom content management sites
can complete your website as need in time
sending samples in PM
PM me your skype to discuss further
i have 4 years experience in wordpress and i can do your work so please add me on the skyoe for the further details about the projects and i will show you my portfolio.

skype : vikasvyas47
Thanks for everyones responses. I've already found someone though so this project is closed for now.
have they considered going mobile? let me know if you need help with mobile

I have worked with you in the past and wordpress it is :)