Wordpress Blank Dashboard Solution


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2012
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I read about some other guy having this same problem a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I'd put up my quick solution.

The latest version of WP (3.8 onwards, I think) has some compatibility issues with a few plugins. This can sometimes cause the WP Admin Dashboard to be blank. Here's how I fixed it:

Go to phpmyadmin. Find the wp_options table.

Look for the "active_plugins" option. Edit it, and cut all the contents of the big textbox into Notepad. Or just delete them. It's no big deal. We are remotely disabling our plugins.

Next, try access your WP Dashboard. It should be showing some content now. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins. Activate them one by one, until you find the culprit. For me, the problem plugin was W3 Total Cache, which I could simply update while it was disabled, and then activate, along with the rest. Problem solved!
If you know what plugin in making the problem, easier way is to delete the folder of the plugin from wp-content/plugins

Some people find phpmyadmin and sql so scary to mess with. This method is for for them. ;)
If you know what plugin in making the problem, easier way is to delete the folder of the plugin from wp-content/plugins

Some people find phpmyadmin and sql so scary to mess with. This method is for for them. ;)
why not rename the folder names easily, and check which one is causing problem. :)
I am a wp developer and this solution helps me indeed.
Another way without deleting anything is if you have FTP access you can simply go in your wp-content/plugins folder and rename the offending plugin to pluginname-disabled. Try to reload your dashboard until you find the offending plugin.
If you know what plugin in making the problem, easier way is to delete the folder of the plugin from wp-content/plugins

Some people find phpmyadmin and sql so scary to mess with. This method is for for them. ;)

I didn't know what was causing the problem though :P Plus you aren't really deleting anything here. You're just disabling all your plugins.
I didn't know what was causing the problem though :P Plus you aren't really deleting anything here. You're just disabling all your plugins.

I know. I suggested for the people who doesnt want to mess with the database. I am handy with coding, hence I am ok with phpmyadmin and sql :)