Woocommerce Custom Shop/Checkout


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2015
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This is my first time using WC and I'm trying to make a small customized shop. All the products and checkout need to be on a single page. There will be a row of 3 products across the top, only one can be chosen. Below the products there will be fields for the shipping info, and a separate set of fields for order notes, and checkout button. I need the checkout button to take whatever is in the cart and fields and send it directly to paypal.

I think the easiest thing would be to edit the shop template.

I've already taken care of limiting the products in the cart to one by adding a function that clears the cart when a new item is added.

I just need to add a form that will validate and send all the data including the cart item directly to paypal.

I'm really unfamiliar with WC so any help is greatly appreciated.

I've decided editing the checkout template will probably be my best bet. I've also added a jquery function to add products to a cart. This new script will allow me to design a product display inside the checkout form that will add or remove an item from the cart. It will probably take me a bit to figure everything out to get it setup the way I want, but I think it's possible.

The only thing I'm unsure about at this point is if I'll be able to get PayPal to take the product and shipping information from the custom checkout form, redirect the user to paypal, and have Paypal handle the billing and payment details.
What exactly are you asking? Are you asking how to integrate PayPal into WC?
What exactly are you asking? Are you asking how to integrate PayPal into WC?

If I get everything working correctly the form will be sending the information about the item being purchased and the shipping details to paypal. Do I need to do anything special, or will paypal already know that it still needs to gather the billing and payment information?
oops, you have to add paypal id in woocommerce settings etc. Sorry forgot in above post
oops, you have to add paypal id in woocommerce settings etc. Sorry forgot in above post
Thanks I realize this. Just to clarify I'm designing and styling a custom one page shop/checkout. The new checkout form will display 3 products (1 of 3 will be selected), gather shipping details as well as some other custom fields, and redirect the user to paypal to complete the order on submission.
Well you are unable to build custom page its auto installed via woocommerce. You just need to manage the products I think. Let me know if you need further assistance. :)
Anyone know how to make the checkout display even with an empty cart? I'm trying to use the checkout shortcode and need it to display the checkout at all times.
