With Anonymous proxy, website still detecting my computer? How is this possible?


Regular Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I've been working a lot lately coding an app in PHP / Perl that will automate a lot of things, one of my main targets has been hushmail.com for creating accounts, sending mass emails, etc.. everything was fine until today I get this message (when testing one of my automated scripts) that said something like:

"Your computer has been marked for abuse / spam and we have disabled access" or some crap like that...

So actually I hadn't been using proxies since I was just finishing up testing a beta version of the app so I thought, no big deal, I'll just use some proxies and everything will be fine..

I decided to do some manual testing of the access to the site with proxies, using the newest Firefox, I cleared everything in my browser (cache, etc) and then used an anonymous proxy that I tested to make sure was anonymous.. and then.. same message as before, "Access denied, etc"..

I tried a few other anonymous proxies and same thing each time, this is kinda freaking me out because I don't undestand what possible way they are tracking me... I was not logging in, just going to the registration page and getting this message.. my IP has since changed (I have wireless internet so it changes a lot) so access works now for Hushmail but this is definitely making me more than a little uneasy as I don't understand what they are doing.. any advice is greatly appreciated

NOTE: The anon proxies were definitely not denied access based on their IP as now they work when accessing hushmail as my local IP has since changed
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Can you give any more info on this? I haven't heard of this method... I am using Ubuntu linux and don't even have flash installed but I'm not sure if you are referring to Adobe flash or if flash is just an adjective in the way you are using it
maybe you hsould close your browser and reopen i think ever browser has a unique broswer session ID
maybe you hsould close your browser and reopen i think ever browser has a unique broswer session ID

pretty sure I did this but maybe not (I always have like 5-10 windows open at once), well I can't re-test unless they ban me again.. the weird thing is I was initially accessing it through Perl www:mechanize (a programatic browser automation tool) in my atuomated script when I got the message, then I tried accessing it in my browser and got the same thing, its very odd since I don't think they could even store any sort of cookie through www:mechanize since cookies are just storied in memory and dumped each time the script is run
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The easiest way to get rid of the flash cookies is to use a firefox add-on called Betterprivacy don't know if this will help in your problem but your privacy will be much better.
My guess is: a.) your proxy didn't work temporarily, b.) there was a cookie left. Can't think any other way.
Posted via Mobile Device
change mac address, cleaning up your cookis , do not waset your time to doing hard. many simple trick bout it.