Windows 7 better than XP?


May 24, 2010
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So I am looking to make the leap to Windows 7. I heard the horrors that Vista was a memory hog and concerned 7 will be too.

I am looking to use 7 on a new laptop (4gb ram) but will do be doing alot of photoshop, programming, CAD 3d rendering.

Any thoughts?
Yea I use win 7 a couple of months now. Honestly, I like it better than XP.
It looks better, but it doesn't ruin performance like Vista did. It might be slightly better in the performance department even.
No conflicts with software not working etc. Top notch OS.

for me, on same configuration, wind 7 works faster and better and stable than xp
Best windows so far.. Runs nice and smooth on parallels desktop :o
Win7 is much much better than winxp. I use it right now. It utilizes 64bit processors and ram much better than winxp. It is also more stable. 4gb will be enough. I have 4gb and I usually run several virtual mashines + scrapebox and sometimes games. I tried it lately with starcraft2 and it runs smooth. I don't know how big your 3D projects are but in my opinion 4gb of ram will be enough.
been using xp since it first came out and never thought I would change OS. Until last week when I finally tried out windows 7. Was hooked immedietly.:)
I got a laptop with win 7... and I hate it. Should of stuck with XP....dont fix if it it isnt broken...
i think win7 is nice...but there are alot of features in win7 that were in xp and most people just didnt know how to access/use them (mainly
Ran Vista on my quad and it was okay. Then I got killed by malware by being a moron and I had to rebuild. So I went with the copy of Win 7 I had. The difference was startling and it was like having a new machine. Boot was so much faster and overall performance has been great and has held up over time.

Best Windows since Windows 2000 in my estimation. One recommendation: do not upgrade but go with the clean install! I did an upgrade with my laptop and it sucked. Knowing how I loved Win 7 on my desktop I bit the bullet and wiped it clean and it ran so much faster!

I almost like it as much as Ubuntu!
I recently purchased a new computer that has 7 x64 and I love it. I have ran Windows XP since it came out. I tried Vista but I did not like it and removed it years ago. I was hesitant about upgrading due to the same concerns.

I do like 7 much better. How it will respond to your current hardware, I'm not sure.
Since you run CAD programs as I do, I must say that I had some problems running certain older versions of 3d CAD programs, SolidWorks in particular on Windows 7, but I am certain that newer versions solve that problem.
I have Win 7. Its just Updated and fixed Vista...

Nothing will outrun XP. Needs less ram, less processor... Whats more some programs do not work with Win 7.

I would go back to Win XP - only the fact that I have 64bits laptop with too much ram for XP is holding me back.

Its good I have XP netbook - it saves my day...
I got Windows 7 on my Toshiba Satellite laptop and its fast as hell.. get good gaming FPS too..
If Windows is your only operating system, I would get Windows 7. XP already has problems with WIFI security. It's only a matter of time that it will be VERY outdated. Windows 7 will be getting updates as new technology comes out over the next 5 years much of which will NOT work with XP now that it's no longer supported.

If you are running something else like a Mac or Linux, I would run XP in a virtual machine as it's much quicker than Windows 7.
After using XP Pro SP2 for the longest time, I found myself in a situation where in order to complete a certain project, I would either need to install SP3 or upgrade. Not wanting to do the former, I decided to go all out and get a new machine with Win7 Ultimate x64. Frankly, I hated Win7 for the first couple of days, but now I absolutely love it. The default settings are horrible, IMO, but almost everything can be tweaked to your liking. It's just a matter of taking the time to learn how to get Win7 to do what you want it to do.

I still have XP on my older machine, but I haven't booted it up in months. It's true that some x86 programs won't run on Win7 x64, but in my experience, all but two of my programs run perfectly on Win7.
Windows XP was good and then Windows vista tanked. It's like Microsoft released Vista so that they would have money to make 7.

7 is definitely better than vista and also better than xp.
I used Windows XP since release, never EVER touched Vista (I used it maybe once at a friends house), and then I tried Windows 7.....never went back to XP. : ) Microsoft did a amazing job with Windows 7.