Will buying a domain name for my blogspot help getting more traffic?


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
I've a PR1 blogspot blog which gets 30-60 UVs a day. I'm not monetizing it yet. And I'm not really posting much there. It's a photo blog. So I wonder If it makes any difference buying my own domain?

Buying a custom domain can help you in a couple ways. You can buy a name that matches a target keyword phrase (an EMD) to help your site rank higher in search. It will also help you brand your blog and make it look a little more like a professional website.

More benefits here,


Hope that helps,

Getting rid of the .blogspot.com is hugely beneficial, if you plan to make more than 10 dollars a year with the site.
You can buy a domain, but your main traffic comes through promotions (or by random chance of god just simply content).
Yes you can buy a domain and also Update the content of your blog and content must be unique..To get more traffic for your site is to participate in forums with your signature and through social bookmarking.
No Brother ...You can just Redirect your Blogger blog on your new domain but you need to update your regular update your blog then after you reach your target ...!

so simple thing . Post Every day and get More Traffic on your blog...!

Thank you
It will look more professional, ... but a domain don't get you more traffic for free. You need to do backlink again (if you've done some for this blog).
It depends on the niche, but I see blogspot.com blogs ranks on page 1 for their content and backlinks.
Yes one domain is more easy to remember, but how many will remeber you and your domain after the first visit?
Also keep in mind that if you change domain its need time to rebuild your traffic, because Google will remove all the blogspot links from the serp and relink with your new domain.
One of my friends got 15000 uniques with blogspot.com and after changing to a domain it took 2 months to regain traffic, because his blogspot links were substituted.
And the backlinks were redone from scratch.