Whywork's team is a SCAM

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Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
These guys are as incompetent as they come.

They sell non-working product, cannot resolve problems and do not respond to support requests.


Whywork himself have failed on every promise he made to me, and wasted 2 weeks of my time with his shitty product that did not work. He does not honor a request for a refund that he made to me.

He has ghosted his every product thread on these boards, as he is afraid of being sued by CL or whoever as he explained. I think he is just covering for the fact that his product are big failures.

Do not buy his overpriced piece of shit products. You are guaranteed a big hassle and will regret. Deal with people who actually care about support, product quality and customer support.
i'm surprised the members of the whywork forum aren't saying anything.

here's a few screenshots of what they said regarding whyworks software and support.




You don't like his product, just do a chargeback, they're not the best people to do business with that's for sure. You have to really chase them down.
When they first started out, everything they put up looks promising and infact I thought they were the best in their field...a pity that all of a sudden, the standards went downhill..
They products are usually more costly then other competitors in the market too.
You don't like his product, just do a chargeback, they're not the best people to do business with that's for sure. You have to really chase them down.

i know some ppl who did file a dispute on paypal but to no avail.

whywork did say he will be releasing an update soon.

but i think that was 1-2 weeks ago.
I also had quite a bad experience with WhyWork himself. I never said anything though because he was affiliated with a mod on BHW.

When I purchased the GEAS lite mailer, I used it for a while at first, and then stopped for a couple of weeks. Later when I check back in, I am surprised to see that my previous campaign has been replaced by a completely different once. Lo and behold, WhyWork had given out my user name by mistake to a new buyer. At least I hope it was a mistake.

Anyways, I contact him and tell him this, and he isn't even surprised about it. Furthermore, he acted rudely to me when I requested him to FIX the situation, as if I was the one doing wrong, and of course he never even apologized for his mistake.

In addition, the sales thread says that it inbox's 100% on gmail, yahoo and hotmail, but I ran countless amounts of tests where sending to hotmail's would inbox like 25%, yet the gmail and yahoo would inbox 100%. I mentioned this to him, and he treated me like an idiot and said learn how to do it right. Then I showed him a screenshoot proof of it failing to inbox in hotmail with a simple, linkless email. And of course then he had nothing to say, ignored my hotmail proof, and simply said to email gmail and yahoo emails.

The guy is just an asshole.

Terrible, terrible service. Thank god I will never have to talk to him again.
Wow this sounds pretty bad. As someone who runs a mailing service I can say that inboxing mails is a pretty tought act and running a service and managing support is difficult if you don't have the right people on board. Sorry to hear about your experience.
I just made a post on their board regarding my issues.
Were any of you promised Bulkstudio 2.0?
Check out the thread on their board called REFUNDS started by kingmob. 10 pages of bitchin'. These guys are scammers.
I may be wrong, but I'm willing to believe he might be outsourcing his coding work for his products. Therefore, he would be the middleman and would be on the coders time. Then, you'd be at the very bottom as a customer when the coder was finished with a program or update(s).

Please understand that I have NEVER done any business with whywork; I do not even know him. After being astonished over this thread I'm just sharing my opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. I could be completely wrong, and if that is the case, I apologize.
I don't know if they are scammer but they lack BIG SUPPORT. They used to be one of the best team when they first came out but to me right now they are the worst team and IM people around. They offer no support, no update on their software, no announcement on what's going on. They just lack everything. Their forum is basically dead they have no admin on it, no knowledge. Nothing. Within the next 3-4 months it will be the same. No admin on the forum, No announcement on what's going on, No update on their software. Nothing. They just giving themselves a bad reputation and losing their customer and their trust.

I know it takes time to make software and shit but come on. You can't even spent like 5mins once a week and tell the customer what's going on with the update or something.

I'm using a dedi server from whywork I got to tell you this got to be the worst dedi server ever. Keep going down and if its not down it restart everyday so you can't even leave your program running 24/7. The downtime is crazy like every 3 days it will go down and everytime I let whywork know about it. He said he'll get it fix and telling me it will be up soon. I guess soon to him is like 24hrs +. My dedi server down right now its been more than 48hrs and still haven't been up. I'm a very unsatisfied customer of his right now. He won't respond to my AIM or anything about this. Won't switch me to a new dedi server or anything. He just left me hanging. While my dedi is down I'm losing money and time.

Used to have the best support and everything. Now its just garbage and got to be the worst around. No disrespect or anything but they need to get their shit straight together. This is some BS and nonsense right now. BIG WASTE OF MONEY. I don't think I'm ever going back to them. People are paying big money to them and yet they can't offer any kind of support. They just ignore you and probably laughing at you. I was wondering why they change their paypal address it must be because of all the chargeback they are receiving and they didn't want to pay it back so they got a new paypal and was telling people the old one was having problem and to pay the money to the new paypal.

I'm very disappoint in them. Like I say they used to be the best around now they are just the worst team around and I'll say don't do business with them. I did have my share of good experience with them but overall I have more bad than good. They just lack to much stuff right now. Their reputation was great when it first came out I can admit to that they had a good reputation they had great support they had great software but right now they have nothing. They are just making their reputation go down and making their customer and people look at them badly. Anyway I'm done with them I consider people to think twice when doing business with them. If you're alright with no support and everything.
He has $3k for me, and never delivered even an .exe. He has been ignoring me on aim for the past month (since I sent him the money). Harro hit him up on aim and he answered, but when myself or any of his other customers hit him up he ignores us.
Keep this information and more coming we will investigate

again we cant refund but we can prevent this from happening to future buyers.
He has $3k for me, and never delivered even an .exe. He has been ignoring me on aim for the past month (since I sent him the money). Harro hit him up on aim and he answered, but when myself or any of his other customers hit him up he ignores us.

Yup He ignore his customer. Been AIMing him the last 3 days to get the dedi server back up but he only reply a few time and ignore me afterward. He isn't solving anyone problem but delaying it with excuse.

Nov. 16 Around 6PM EST

ME: hey what's up
whywork: shit
ME: is the dedi server down?
whywork: I'm not sure did u pay the bull?
ME: umm its not due yet
whywork: bill
ME: it rebill every 28th
whywork: WTF what dedi ip
ME: paypal address
ME: ip address
whywork: I'll call damn dedi can't seem to handle all the spam complaints llucky for me the data cnter doesn't care

Nov. 17 Around 8PM EST that's 24hours pass already when I complaint to him

ME: hey what's up
ME: can you fix the dedi server please!!!
ME: its been down for more than 24hrs already
whywork: bro its not me its the datacenter
whywork: i dont gain anything keeping it off for u
ME: I see but please do something about it. This downtime is to crazy. Everytime its down its down for more than 24hrs
ME: goes down like at least once a week
ME: anyway hopefully it will be up soon and by the night time. This is some bad datacenter you have.
ME: If anything please switch me to a new dedi server that has less downtime and where people don't spam really because I don't spam or anything with the dedi server
whywork: k

He has yet to fix the problem or move me to a new dedi server. Been down for 72hrs plus about to be 96 hours. This is too crazy he won't answer my AIM anymore been AIMing him every 4hrs or so about the dedi server. He won't reply back and give me update on what's going on.

Anyway I did a chargeback maybe that will make him reply to my aim or something. Whywork Team is garbage now. They won't even come and post on their forum or anything. They won't even post here too to give people some feedback on what's going on or deny anything.
$3k? thats awful

He has $3k for me, and never delivered even an .exe. He has been ignoring me on aim for the past month (since I sent him the money). Harro hit him up on aim and he answered, but when myself or any of his other customers hit him up he ignores us.
I'm in shock that BHW condones this type of behavior. I'm not surprised cause it seems like the people moderating the board are actually taking free products to let these sellers hustle the average poster. Instead of investigating you have to permanently ban these guys for good. And I mean permanently.
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