Who is this CEOSam guy?

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Jan 12, 2015
Reaction score
I keep hearing about him in the forum and just wondered who he was and what he did wrong?
He was a legend, used to rank new sites at #1 in a couple of hours, he lives the hotel life and has breakfast in golden plates everyday, he's busy making big things happen so he purposely did retard things in order to get banned from BHW so he'd have more time to spend on his huge projects.
He has a very powerful secrete sauce . Which can alter google algorithm to rank anypage for any keyword instantly.
BHW is a lonely place now - NOT
In short, he's the inventor of "Black Hat SEO"
Just finish reading that old thread again, He was legend.
Here are some facts about ceosam - can you figure out the only one that is not true:

His girlfriend has a watermark
His office is the corner table next to the toilet in a KFC
He once did a marketing video in a cheap motel room and forgot the half dead body on the dirty bed in the background
He is a CEO
He is so wealthy he owns a lamp - and it even has a lampshade
He once saved up for a McDonalds big breakfast and then filmed himself eating it to show how rich he was
the forum is not the same after he is gone........... he is a legend.
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