Which one should I learn first..?

Which one should I learn first?

  • Photoshop elements

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Photoshop CS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C++

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C Sharpe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
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programming C Sharpe


Photo elements

photoshop cs?

and if i decide to learn photoshop first should i just do elements?
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It all depends on what you plan to do with the skill?
I suggest just learning what you think you can profit from, what you can do with that stuff.. etc. :)
Good luck.
Learn C++! I know many programming languages and Photoshop and hands-down the more valuable skill is the programming language. There's just so much you can do once you learn it, it's incredible. I'd say go for c++; photoshop is easy to learn, but there are so many components that it just takes a long time to learn it. c++ has a lot of components, but once you learn the flow of the language, learning new things becomes exponentially easier.
Learn C++! I know many programming languages and Photoshop and hands-down the more valuable skill is the programming language. There's just so much you can do once you learn it, it's incredible. I'd say go for c++; photoshop is easy to learn, but there are so many components that it just takes a long time to learn it. c++ has a lot of components, but once you learn the flow of the language, learning new things becomes exponentially easier.

some say to learn c+ aka c sharpe 1st, what do you think?
some say to learn c+ aka c sharpe 1st, what do you think?
I think the learning curve is much greater when learning C++ vs C#

I think C++ gives a more zoomed in and user-friendly experience which prepares them for zoomed out languages. It depends on how you like to learn. If you like to learn the utmost basics (when I say basics, I mean the higher level programming languages. They're more complex than lower level programming languages) first, then learning C++ would be advisable, then learning C#. If you like to get concepts down then move onto the basics, doing C# then C++ would be better. It all depends on how you prefer to learn.
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dont they say c++ is amother language? i heard once you know it adapting to other languages is easy
If you are new to programming start with C sharp, its high level , clean and a little easy too.

If you have done python or ruby or some other high level language... learn C++
yep i think most say to learn c sharp first, I heard that alot
Although I code the vast majority of my "release" bots (and desktop apps in general) in c/c++ I must agree that for someone starting from scratch c# has a way faster learning curve. Too many things to learn before getting your hands "dirty" with something useful in c/c++. Just for the sake of good old information you might check vb.net as well to see if it looks less daunting... :) They're basically 2 languages to interface to the same programming interfaces and originally meant by microsoft as "evolutions" of respectively c++ and visual basic to make programmers coming from both areas "at home". IMO if you have never coded anything even in visual basic script (wsh) or visual basic learning vb.net instead of C# won't give you any specific advantage and I'd pick c# any day... Also learning Photoshop isn't really in the same league, so you can safely do it while you learn programming... ;)
If you are new to programming start with C sharp, its high level , clean and a little easy too.

If you have done python or ruby or some other high level language... learn C++

you know programmin'?
I started with Languages like C++ and Java (simple android apps :D), BUT, somehow I learned MySQL and PHP and I must say I feel like a boss. I then learned about Wordpress and Joomla. I was pissed that it took me 2 weeks to design a CMS website from scratch, and wordpress/joomla could do it in one hour.

Anyway no one is putting much info in about the Photoshop thing, but its really not hard to get into, and you should work on your PS when you need to wind down from the frustrations of coding (don't forget the damn ;'s). There are many tutorials on youtube, and if you have alot of friends on facebook, you should have tons of images to practice with. I practiced with peoples profile pics (or even pics of them brushing their teeth, etc) and did all kinds of nice effects. They would immediatly make my images their myspace images (Myspace was in back then). I moved on from graffiti type PS work and do more professional photo editing (although for fun/free). PS is probably not as lucrative as C++/C sharp, but its a fun skill.

Back to programming, If you learn one, the syntax are all kinda similar (for most of them), so learning others will be much simpler. Hell, I started with a language called Game Maker Language, its like a simpler C++. When I started taking C++ classes in college, I never ever tried C++ in my life and I was miles ahead of the other students, and even corrected the teacher a few times (remember, no prior C++ experience, but GML showed me the basics.

Back to the elements, I would just skip that! PS was so much fun, I moved to Video Editing and Sound Editing.

God, this is a long post, but I'm bored :D. Carry on and i wish you luck!
Learn C sharp its not a hard language to learn and its very powerfull . In my university I lernt pascal then c , c++,php+mysql+javascript, java, c Sharp .