I started with Languages like C++ and Java (simple android apps

), BUT, somehow I learned MySQL and PHP and I must say I feel like a boss. I then learned about Wordpress and Joomla. I was pissed that it took me 2 weeks to design a CMS website from scratch, and wordpress/joomla could do it in one hour.
Anyway no one is putting much info in about the Photoshop thing, but its really not hard to get into, and you should work on your PS when you need to wind down from the frustrations of coding (don't forget the damn ;'s). There are many tutorials on youtube, and if you have alot of friends on facebook, you should have tons of images to practice with. I practiced with peoples profile pics (or even pics of them brushing their teeth, etc) and did all kinds of nice effects. They would immediatly make my images their myspace images (Myspace was in back then). I moved on from graffiti type PS work and do more professional photo editing (although for fun/free). PS is probably not as lucrative as C++/C sharp, but its a fun skill.
Back to programming, If you learn one, the syntax are all kinda similar (for most of them), so learning others will be much simpler. Hell, I started with a language called Game Maker Language, its like a simpler C++. When I started taking C++ classes in college, I never ever tried C++ in my life and I was miles ahead of the other students, and even corrected the teacher a few times (remember, no prior C++ experience, but GML showed me the basics.
Back to the elements, I would just skip that! PS was so much fun, I moved to Video Editing and Sound Editing.
God, this is a long post, but I'm bored

. Carry on and i wish you luck!