which linking strategy to choose


Regular Member
Sep 3, 2015
Reaction score
I have 30 decent PBNs. Would you point all of them to my MS as T1 or
would you point only 5-10 of them as T1 and the rest 20-25 use as T2 powering those 5-10 T1 PBNs?
PBN is probably one of the strongest link strategy in the industry and therefore it should be used to the maximum.
Use them all as T1 with your exact anchors. At the same time, use different link building tactics to diversify your anchors.
If you point all of them to your MS, You can do that but it is riskier. It really depends on your risk tolerance and of course the rankings move fast
Choose some different link building tactics, ( Ex : Link juice, Keyword shuffling etc ) Especially i mention those two example tactics drive much more traffic :)
Of course, you can point all pbn's to Tier 1 or some for money sites. For money site you need to be careful while building links slow and steady, choosing the right platform, try to get links from niche relevant trusted sites.
u already have answer in your question. do 5-10 links, then build rest tier 2 links from your pbn and other tier 2 links too... this work.
Point them all at your MS if you're confident you built them all good.
Then build out 2x amount of web2.0s, tack on about 4x amount of manual, niche related blog comments, do like 10 doc shares, build a couple profile backlinks, or you know diversify your backlink profile, get some do and no follows, and you can comfortably point all the PBNs at your MS.