Which is better amonetize or revenyou?


Regular Member
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
So ive gotten accounts on both networks and was wondering which one would be better to start out with?
Or do you have any other networks you recommend?
I heard that amonetize pay better but i have never used it, i use revenyou myself and i am pretty new to ppi.
i download my revenyou app and tried to open it. I did no continue to install would that result me to get ban?
i download my revenyou app and tried to open it. I did no continue to install would that result me to get ban?

Wouldn't matter because you didn't get paid for the install
I use aMonetize and work well for me but you can try both networks and check who work great for you and use it... for me is aMonetize for you maybe is revenyou
where do you put files that revenyou gave?

I like to zip them up with a text file. Put them up on mediafire and shorten it with a bit.ly link to keep track of my call to action button on my landing page.