Which hosting should I go with? iPage or bluehost?


Regular Member
Sep 27, 2016
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iPage or bluehost?

(People that actually experienced both please)

This question gets asked all the time.

Really what you should be looking at is what is important to you.? What kind of hosting plan do I need? What type of site will I be running? Will I need support that I can count on and so on.

These are the questions that you should ask yourself first and then once you know what type of hosting plan you need then you could get recommendations.

If it was me I would not use either of those two companies. Visit the market place here on BHW Several good host have ads posted there.

Best of Luck
Yes, both are terrible IMO. Don't go with these hosting since these are not effective than what you looking for.
Ipage is a deadly host abstain. Speaking from experience
Both are shit. Digital Ocean is good but might be confusing for beginners, then go for SiteGround.
Bluehost & iPage are sister and belong to EIG