Where did the traffic go?


Power Member
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
So the 5 competitors I'm tracking are absolute beasts and dominate the market, one of them has more traffic than the rest 4 combined.
And then this happened:


Drop from 150k to 50k!
The rest have dropped too and only one of those 5 has a minor increase.

I guess this has to do with recent Google update.

My question is - where did all the traffic go?
100k drop in a month is huge!
Is the search traffic for your comp in SEMrush similar to Uberrsuggest?

I find that they are more accurate with search traffic.
This could be due to surge in traffic of irrelevant authority sites, parasites like pinterest, or just a drop in their rankings to let someone else take their place. Otherwise, some other competitor might've entered the market and took away their share as I don't see anyone else getting benefited from their lost traffic. You can only confirm it from SERPs.
Is the search traffic for your comp in SEMrush similar to Uberrsuggest?
They are similar. SEMRush's report does not show such a drastic drop, but there's still a big drop.

On another note, why is Ubersuggest less accurate?
Otherwise, some other competitor might've entered the market and took away their share as I don't see anyone else getting benefited from their lost traffic. You can only confirm it from SERPs.
If this was the case, what would be the best way to find this?
These are big websites, ranking for tens of thousands of keywords, so I'm not too keen on manually checking the results :D
I've managed over 20 client websites with 100K - 2M visitors a month and based upon my clients traffic (which I know via Google analytics obviously), SEMrush has been the closest but not exact.

I generally take SEMrush search traffic and subtract 15% and that would be pretty accurate.
If this was the case, what would be the best way to find this?
These are big websites, ranking for tens of thousands of keywords, so I'm not too keen on manually checking the results :D
Many high traffic sites get a lot of traffic from only a few keywords. Check their top ranking keywords and see their positions. If you can check the change of positions, then the decrease in ranks is clearly lost traffic. You can check those kws to see who replaced them in those positions. If you can't check kw positions, then you can manually check 10-15 keywords to see if there is any new site.

I think it's the right time to steal their strategy if you find any new competitor. They'll soon become an authority and difficult to compete with.
Can't believe that Patel convert that s**t tool into paid :eek:
Hey, I know it's not on the level of Ahrefs or SEMRush, but you get a lot of good features for a low price compared to those two. It has a lifetime subscription which is super affordable in the long run.

-Keyword tracking
-Competitor tracking
-Keyword research (the best feature)
-SEO Audit

If you're managing a huge webiste or a lot of websites, it probably isn't for you, but for those managing a small number of new or medium website, it does great without making you reach deep into your pocket.
If you're managing a huge webiste or a lot of websites, it probably isn't for you, but for those managing a small number of new or medium website, it does great without making you reach deep into your pocket.
I did not use it either when it was free... I think the content it provides is completely useless. My astonishment when he made it paid. What a joke.

If you are a "small site", get on a good Group buy for $10-20 you can even get like 2 o 3 top-tier tools like Semrush + KWFinder + Ahrefs

If you don't want to rely on group buys, you could always renew the 30 days subscription to sites like Longtailpro or Moz

If you want to own your own account, for link research, there is no good free alternative, and Ubersuggest is like shitting on your own pants. For keyword research, just go for keywords everywhere that costs peanuts for a whole lot of credits. And if you need seo audit... Screaming Frog is the way to go.
I did not use it either when it was free... I think the content it provides is completely useless. My astonishment when he made it paid. What a joke.
I don't know if you've used it recently? It has improved a lot.

I have access to SEMRush through my job and I frequently compare the data (because I too thought it was shit) and more often than not, it's good.

Don't judge me, I have a lifetime subscription! :D
the bald dude took your traffic
jokes aside
Check your pages, which ones are the most affected
did serps change? did you do/change anything recently?
did your competition make any changes?
Are there new competition?
Attempt some onsite tweaking, get more links?
the bald dude took your traffic
jokes aside
Check your pages, which ones are the most affected
did serps change? did you do/change anything recently?
did your competition make any changes?
Are there new competition?
Attempt some onsite tweaking, get more links?
I didn't lose any traffic. Competitors did, but no one seems to have gained a lot. Most likely it's a new competition, so I'll keep my eye on that.
Many high traffic sites get a lot of traffic from only a few keywords. Check their top ranking keywords and see their positions. If you can check the change of positions, then the decrease in ranks is clearly lost traffic. You can check those kws to see who replaced them in those positions. If you can't check kw positions, then you can manually check 10-15 keywords to see if there is any new site.

I think it's the right time to steal their strategy if you find any new competitor. They'll soon become an authority and difficult to compete with.
Absolutely you are said right thing, you must check the above all Factors why Site go down.
I did not use it either when it was free... I think the content it provides is completely useless. My astonishment when he made it paid. What a joke.

If you are a "small site", get on a good Group buy for $10-20 you can even get like 2 o 3 top-tier tools like Semrush + KWFinder + Ahrefs

If you don't want to rely on group buys, you could always renew the 30 days subscription to sites like Longtailpro or Moz

If you want to own your own account, for link research, there is no good free alternative, and Ubersuggest is like shitting on your own pants. For keyword research, just go for keywords everywhere that costs peanuts for a whole lot of credits. And if you need seo audit... Screaming Frog is the way to go.

I would agree got offered it for semi free I refused when I saw how shit it was