When you were a newbie..


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2010
Reaction score
When you were a newbie, you heard or came across someone mentioned that you could make money online..

Do you still remember what you typed on Google to research more on this?

I still remembered I typed "get paid to read emails" cuz I accidentally read an article on that.. :)
I typed "How to win the lotto" and sure enough after buying hundreds of lotto guides, I won!!11!1
I didn't know about IM I stumbled on BHW by typing "fake traffic bot" in google
Although I registered in October, I was into internet marketing before. About 6 years ago I typed "How to make a game like Runescape and make money"
When you were a newbie, you heard or came across someone mentioned that you could make money online..

Do you still remember what you typed on Google to research more on this?

I still remembered I typed "get paid to read emails" cuz I accidentally read an article on that.. :)

I typed how to make easy money online
I typed "make money online" and the first thing I read about was taking surveys. That was quite a few years ago when I was around 11 I think.
I stumbled on this website while working as a rater for Google. :P Then I went rouge... :P