When to do a product launch?


Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
So I am creating a product and want to launch it asap.

My goal is to get a ton of money so obviously that is the key component to the launch.

Now my product is "seo based" and so I want it out for the big boom at the beginning of the year... But is launching a product durring nov/dec a good idea or is there a better time to launch a product?

I dont want it to be a big flop due to holidays...

Your thoughts?
Launch it now. People have more money to spend during the holidays. If you wait until the new year, you will have to wait until Spring. People don't buy as much in January and February.
I want to launch somewhere right between 20-27th somewheee in there.

But give them a guarantee that if they use the techniques right away they will be ranked high and double/ x3 there new clients from these techniques.