When commenting can we address the user by name using FL?


Junior Member
Jan 23, 2015
Reaction score
Is there a way to put some type of string into the comment so it addresses the user's name when commenting? Maybe something like

{great|fantastic|wonderful} photo [username] thanks for sharing

this would make it more personable and get a better response.. Not sure if there's a way to do it but that would be awesome. Anyone know?
I believe it's in the FL manual. I'm not home to check personally, but looking forward to hearing a concrete answer.
unfortunately not, I read the manual a few times, can't find it.
Seriously man? I would hate to do it and you're just messing haha..
unfortunately not, i read the manual a few times, can't find it.

*** you can automatically add the usernames of photo owner's to your comments by adding the following to the comment text: <@owner>
•*** you can automatically add random usernames in the scraped users table to your comments by adding the following to the comment text: <@mention>
•*** you can automatically add random usernames in the followers table to your comments by adding the following to the comment text: <@follower>
•*** you can automatically add random usernames in the followings table to your comments by adding the following to the comment text: <@following>

I found this in the manual...