whats your programming environment?


Feb 2, 2009
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what IDE/text editor are you using? how many monitors? 1 or 2 keyboards and mice?

what version control, and/or PaaS/SaaS?

I'm programming on 1 monitor, and something irrelevant is happening on the other.

got 1 keyboard without any letters and numbers visible, left CTRL removed and mapped to capslock. and a normal mouse. keyboard and mouse control both computers via mouse without borders or synergy.

im using linux mint 12 and win 7.

editor: sublime text 2, sometimes rubymine and notepad++
cloud: git, github, heroku, linode
I don't really do any programming, but I use Dreamweaver and 2 monitors.
I use Visual Studio 2010 for everything. I used to use two 21" flatscreens, but since my computer went bust I just use my laptop for all my development work.
1 x 19" Dell XPS Laptop, i7 Quad Core, 12GB RAM, Win7 - Always running Visual Studio 2010 + Dreamweaver CS3 (Never liked CS4, haven't even looked at CS5!).

1 x Dell XPS Desktop, 12GB RAM, Win7, 21/24" Monitor - Always running Visual Studio 2010 + Dreamweaver CS3.

I switch a lot between my laptop / PC. Usually because I like to run more than 1 project at the same time or I code a lot of server side scripts on one and my desktop based apps that interact with the scripts on the other.
Visual Studio for C# and Notepad++ for everything else. Subversion+Tortoise for source control. Mantis is my favourite bug tracker.
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I either use Vim or Notepad++
Had never heard about Sublime Text before you mentioned it but have installed it and its quite a nice editor!

Most coding from me is done on my 5 year old Toshiba laptop - its falling apart but it still rocks :)
lol, you know you're using your computer too much whgen you've worn of the lettering :D

Xenon server with 3 monitors + i7laptop + VS 2005/2008/2010 + SQL Server 2005/2008 + Oracle 11i + XAMP + Notepad++ + azure cloud + Expression Studio +XAMLPAD + Windows xp/7 + Solaris + Jedit + VSS/Tortoise + SQLDeveloper etc etc :D
Visual Studio 2010 when doing C# and software engineering.
Code::Blocks for C/C++.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 for PHP and web design.

Everything on my workstation with 3 monitors, running Windows 7.
Visual C# 2010.
Plain old Notepad++ when I play around with Ruby.

1 monitor, 1 keyboard,1 mouse.
compiled code in VS2010, PHP and other web dev stuff notepad++. I currently use two monitors, but this was downsized when i went home from an office. At office I had three PCs, total of 7 monitors. Three main horizontally, two on second level, two to my left for the 3rd PC.

The room gets hot when you all that shit, trust me.
Plain ole VS2010 Express, trackball mouse,24 inch monitor. No SVN because I always fuck it up. Got a codepad type script on my server to send/share code. Thats about it.
Macbook with 27" monitor for when I'm in the office
PHP 5 + Mysql + Apache 2
Freebsd on VMWare for staging
Deployed to Freebsd on production server
Vim + lots of terminals
interesting most of you guys use .net, do you mostly do websites or apps?

do you like to code in microsoft's languages?myself i hate visual studio IDE.
Back when I was making it big, I splurged like crazy and got a really nice setup. 3 24" Google & Sony TVs as my monitors, 1 is for entertainment/chatting, the other 2 are purely for programming. One of the 2 is for the IDE (VS2010 Ultimate), while the other of the two is for the debugging.

Great setup, I love it. :)

btw, link to the TV's are here, I'd highly recommend them: http://discover.store.sony.com/internettv/
I used to run Visual Studio but now it's just the occasional script with Notepad. Always had dual monitors with one running in portrait mode.
Can anyone care to explain what multiple monitors benefits for other than having a bigger view? Was going to post a thread about it, but might as well here since most people are using 2+ monitors.
Can anyone care to explain what multiple monitors benefits for other than having a bigger view? Was going to post a thread about it, but might as well here since most people are using 2+ monitors.

Well, other than the bigger view, it allows you to be viewing more than just 1 or 2 windows at once. On a normal screen, you'll be able to see max 2 decent-sized windows comfortably. But on 3, that bumps up to 6 at a time.

Of course, some people are YouTube addicts and programmers, for example, and just like watching videos/movies while they program. Or, if they're using some reference material on their compy, they can have the reference material on one monitor and the IDE in another.