This is what happened because of 5 things that happened in 3 months:
- I was working 16 hours a day for 3 months straight.
- I was incredibly sick for 2 months cause I forgot I am allergic to pollen.
- I encountered rat level scammers and energy vampires pretending to be people of good deeds.
- I realized that I can think 20, 40, 60, 80 years forward and prepare things for next generations.
- I realized that you exchange value for value instead of depending on manipulation and aggressive sales techniques like saying "you cannot solve this problem without me". You need to teach people how to solve their problems and not give them rat level solutions / spoon-feeding them.
It all boils down to being chaotic, irresponsible for your own actions, being unaware of long term consequences and how your own mind works.
There's no playing in this world. Being a person of no values and not understanding your own values system is basically playing with fire and you'll get the opposite results to what you want. Evil people usually get bad results long term and good people usually get good results long term. Good people aren't subconsciously eaten by their own conscience. It's very limiting to think in categories of evil in what I've noticed. You got to always understand why things are the way they are and how to do them by carefully analyzing processes and refining each step. What you're doing isn't that important if you do it well, help society and yourself and you have a long term plan for it.
So for example, you give a package of 100 insights and you sell each insight for $1, then you pack it into "insights pack" with a 30% discount, which gives you $70 value. You can now sell smaller packs of insights for $5 - $10 and also let someone buy all of them at once. This is quite reasonable if you're selling info stuff. You focus on building a relationship by providing what they SPECIFICALLY need instead of force-feeding them your whole agenda. If you want to give them insights into how you think, you sell them the whole package at a discount. So your first step is to build a process of creating "paid information", then once you have frameworks and workflows, you work with accordance to them, and then it becomes a legit part of a business that basically is created using 20 - 30 things like that. Once you have 30 packs of information, you have a small business and the overall value of all products is 30 packs x $70. Now you can sell your whole library at a monthly fee of $49.
There are always valid and real reasons behind things happening around like law. Law is there basically because the world in its default version is entropy, and we need to put order into things. If you live in an anarchy or have an anarchy-like system or place, you're gonna get a bunch of scammers and people who will do anything to produce NOTHING and get something for it, i.e. doing crypto schemes for example. Doing such things feels really bad to someone that isn't a born psychopath. If you're just a sociopath, you have good chances of becoming a better person if you just take lessons and understand your own fallacies / mistakes, then analyze behavior of villains, so you understand well what makes them so unhappy, victimizing and burnt out.