What's your favorite drink?


Elite Member
Premium Member
Apr 20, 2018
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i like coffee, especially cappuccino
Highland or Island Whiskeys.

1. Turkish Strong Coffee - All day every day!
2. Macchiato (sometimes)
3. Irish Coffee (sometimes)
Fresh cold coffee. It looks delicious and also yummy. Even I too prepare Green tea with honey as a refresher.
All day? Man you have a strong liver for sure. :p
Sort of depends on what mood I am in but I am related to all the Whiskey makers in Scotland or Ireland more less so I can handle any kind without any issues or problems such in front of my house I have a Whiskey maker so even if I was most direction challenged person alive I could still find one since every street or area here leads to a Whiskey or Beer place more less such as I got Brewdog like 10 minute walk from my house or around 6 parts of Chivas Regal in my town as well
Try whiskey fudge or cake it tastes amazing it's the only food a Western country can make as good as an Indian or Pakistani person can overall.
Coffee - black with no sugar
Whisky - before going to sleep
Wine - after dinner
Coffee for sure.
Especially cold brew, espresso-shots, or Caffe Americano.
I prefer tea, but it should be black and very strong, but I also like juices of different types of pomegranate, and I also prefer apple juices.