What's the best lead generation software???


Regular Member
May 6, 2011
Reaction score
I am curious. I have been manually scarping targeted leads and its completely taking alot of my time. I've tried some scrapers out there, but either its a issue exporting it, or they dont work.

Can someone pinpoint me in the right direction.
Anyone??? I know someone has a better method then what I'm probably doing.
I am curious. I have been manually scarping targeted leads and its completely taking alot of my time. I've tried some scrapers out there, but either its a issue exporting it, or they dont work.

Can someone pinpoint me in the right direction.

I would suggest that you generate your own leads by using lead management software.
It's more easy and faster for you to get leads and manage them. There are many softwares in the internet but I recommend you to check Instant Leads Generator software (leadsdistributionsoftwareDotCom).

I hope this helps you.