What's giong on with Google???


Regular Member
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Has anyone else noticed google returning more results when you type a search in quotes? This has really messed up my game tonight. Have they changed their method for seeking out exact phrase match and no one told me? lol

If anyone has the answer to this or is getting different results please let me know.
Software engineering company names


"Software engineering company names"

That is totaly normal that they give different results.



I must have just found a wacky keyword phrase.
jared, I sent you a pm
Has anyone else noticed google returning more results when you type a search in quotes? This has really messed up my game tonight. Have they changed their method for seeking out exact phrase match and no one told me? lol

If anyone has the answer to this or is getting different results please let me know.

1. Occasionally this does happen(still pretty rare), and it has been appearing more recently. I believe this is due to all the large updates to Google's ranking algorithms and specifically the "caffeine" update.

2. Pay attention to your page 1 competition more than what's in exact phrase match. Exact phrase match is important because it gives you a better look at how many sites are targeting your keyword and also how they are targeting it. But it's just a piece of the puzzle. Pay close attention not only to what's on page 1 for your keyword without quotes, but also what kinds of sites Google's ranking.