What YOU can expect from UnGagged

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Jul 10, 2014
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Did you know there are just 13 days remaining until http://www.ungagged.com/vegas/?


With UnGagged just around the corner we are kind of surprised why so many of you still don't seem to know exactly what you will be getting from our event, hopefully this answers any queries you may have.

1. It's your chance to meet other forum members - Where else are you going to get the chance to meet so many forum members in one place? UnGagged is a fantastic opportunity for you all to put names to faces, past attendees include people like @Leith, @ugjunk, @jazzc, @tymillz, @Ste Fishkin, @LukaB, @meathead1234, @Society Girl, @nikchaing and many more. It's a chance to finally grab that beer you always wanted to get with these people and really get to pick their brains.

2. Past event feedback - Feedback from our last event from BHW members and regular attendees has been excellent. We are not aware of anyone who has left an UnGagged event without feeling like they got something from it. See here for our http://www.ungagged.com/previous-events/london-2016/london-2016-testimonials/.

3. Chance to meet and connect with industry experts - https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/ungagged-las-vegas-2016-speakers.861580/, these are truly massive names in our industry and it's your chance to rub shoulders with them and absorb some of their knowledge and thoughts on SEO and Digital Marketing.

4. This is not your average conference - What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... This is a conference where you turn up, pay $1000+ for a ticket then 2 weeks after the event all the little tips you learnt and paid for have been recorded and uploaded to YouTube for the world to see for free.

This is not what UnGagged is about, everything you see and hear is kept behind closed doors and will not be shared or available again in the future. If you do not attend then you are missing out.

5. It's Vegas - It's like Disneyland for adults. We can't think of a better setting for our event and if you want to turn your conference stay into a holiday to make it worth your trip, you can.

Ungagged is best the SEO Networking conference in the world as of now, had a great experience meeting all the BHWers. Greg, Damien, and rest of the crew did an excellent work putting forward this event.

Sadly, missing out on this year due to various personal reasons. But, if you want to network, build a relationship and see behind the scene people Ungagged is the event for you.

Would be waiting for the London 2017 :)

And you should book your tickets for Ungagged Vegas 2016 right away.
Ungagged is best the SEO Networking conference in the world as of now

I agree 100%.

I've been to Brighton, SearchLove and Measure Camp... In terms of content and "networking" (partying) UnGagged won hands down. I went to the London event not knowing anyone. I ended up getting drunk until 6am with 6 of the speakers at the end of day 1.

I learned more at that conference than I did in a year of cruising BHW and made some great contacts which have worked out very well.

Bring on Vegas!
If you missed UnGagged Las Vegas 2016, you missed out. We didn't record our talks so there were no limits and our lucky attendees got sterling advice from world-class experts that was worth its weight in gold.

Don't worry though, tickets for UnGagged London and UnGagged Vegas 2017 are on sale now. You can get even get an extra 15% off, quoting the discount code "BHW".

Buy London 2017 Tickets Here

Buy Vegas 2017 Tickets Here

Find out what you missed and get an idea of what's in store in June from Cloud Moves TV event review below:

Visit UnGagged.com for more information or continue the discussions on the BHW UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 sub-forum here:
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