what is this - public or private blog network??


Registered Member
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
hi my competitor is having link from these kind of sites, i am really fed up to see it look like a network. but actually i can say its not private one, because it has several posting per day, and lots of posts.

it look like any publicBN , What you think?? what it can be? if public one, can you name it??

should i go for review keywords or not?? because review keywords are only like 800- 1500 searches, if anyone is ranking for any review keyword. can you tell me is it profitable for 800- 1500 searches? and what its normal range of income??
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The key is to find multiple 800-1500 search keywords.

If you find 5 then thats 4000 - 7500 monthly searches and if you deliver what they are looking for you will make a nice profit.
and because of another dickhead outing a url someone else loses their income while someone else loses a blog network, just so an idiot can ask a stupid question.
OP, remove the guys URL before he gets screwed.

Oh and he isn't your competitor, looking at your previous posts, you aren't even in the competition.
hey guys i didnt knew that.. i have removed it.

btw, could anyone tell??