What is the best WordPress plugin for a news website?


Elite Member
Premium Member
Apr 20, 2018
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im planning to start a news site for test something, not for long journey, im already know some plugins
but i still want some suggenstions from bhw members here, i'm appreciate any suggestions
Contact form plugin
Maybe one of those sliders at the top for your latest popular posts such as: BREAKING NEWS..
Autoptimize for speeding up your side
Rank Math SEO
Stellar post rating plugin (It shows stars in Google results)
I wonder which one should im use between Yoast news or rank math suite?

I don’t know if rank math can make a news sitemap because yoast news does that you’ll have to ask rank math people about this
yoast news is best a guy called Festinger he provides free giveaway in this forum. check the Member downloads section. Maybe it will help you.
AMP is must for news websites. The most traffic a news website gets is from those vertical stories in the SERP. All those stories are AMP pages.
yeah im using schema pro, maybe i'll try amp official plugin next

on schema pro - how do you get site logo to display on mobile?

for me its just set to site title text