What is the best time post on Facebook?

think about when you browse FB yourself.

For instance
-waking up browsing for 10 min before shower
-break times at work for people who are not able to access their phone during work
-before bedtime scrolling around on fb if you can't sleep
Usually it's morning/noon break/evening
But everything depends on your target audience, so you really should try different options and see what works better
I saw this yesterday


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It depends on your target audience. Where are they located.
Personally, no matter what the target is , i always got extra engagements when posting between 5:00 PM and 23:00PM , of course in your audiences timezone, there are other times where peoples browse fb but evening to midnight is the best time i found that it gives more results.
If you are asking this question for marketing

Choose a suitable time for posting (for ex 6.00 pm)
Know the country of your target audience and their present time (time vary for each country )

If your country and your audience have +4 hour time difference then post at 2.00 pm.
go at your page's Insights>>> POSTS>>> When Your Fans Are Online
here's your answer
You don't have to guess at all.

go at your page's Insights>>> POSTS>>> When Your Fans Are Online
here's your answer

This is exactly what you have to do. Screenshot below:


If I had to post exactly once a day for the page above, I would post between 8:15 PM and 8:45 PM.