What is the best proxy setup?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm wondering what's the best method of using proxies for cost and banrate. Do you guys use 1 proxy:1 account, or do you just use a huge list? Does anyone have experience with getting banned for using all different proxies on the same account? Obviously you ideally want to have 1 private proxy per account, but that can get pretty expensive if you're paying like $1 per proxy.

Also what is the preferred account creation software? I was looking at AutoTAC but the owner of it didn't respond back to a question I had so I don't know if it still works or not.
I don't really spam when it comes to twitter so I keep mines 1 proxy per 5 accounts.
There's indianbill account creator and medialoverz. I emailed medialoverz a while back to see if it's working and the owner said yeah
I just got AutoTAC the other day. It looks to be at least as powerful as anything out there, but it's pretty complex to set up. I guess it needs to be. It burned through 9 proxies and 50 emails to get 18 accts on my first attempt, but I suppose that's nothing to do with the software perse.

I can say, though, that it's been 24 hours since I asked him some Q's and no response, so unless you plan on spending some time digging into all those features, might want to look elsewhere.