What is good Facebook traffic good for?


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hello people :)

I was wondering....
What is good Facebook traffic good for?

if users on FB are not ready to purchase anything on FB... (they are on fb to have fun, chat, "waste time" and not give a shit, they are there to NOT make discions - they are there just to talk "waste time" etc)

then what is FB traffic good for?

What are the ways to convert it to money?

Thanks for the info!:)
Fb traffic is like a gold mine to me.
It had given me everything i got

You can use facebook traffic for Blackhat viral scripts,
and lock the landing page with a content locker,
ex- make a script (or get it from somewhere) that posts on users wall,

I got an ipad, click here to win urs,
make the landing page attractive and lock it!
Thanks a l lot for the idea Virust!

but there is no CPA for Croatian visitors... I have Croatian traffic. :/

any other ideas maybe? :)
Well then find a network that does and use content lock pro to lock it..
search that tool in BHW... It rocks
Fb traffic is like a gold mine to me.
It had given me everything i got

You can use facebook traffic for Blackhat viral scripts,
and lock the landing page with a content locker,
ex- make a script (or get it from somewhere) that posts on users wall,

I got an ipad, click here to win urs,
make the landing page attractive and lock it!

i make $50 a week with facebook traffic, mor traffic, more $$$
Better make them like a page forcefully and then sell out the page or advertising space on the page.
Our fanpage converts at 5.7% Which is fine for me. Better then our google traffic :D
You can do numerous things with fb traffic http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/facebook/472718-my-thoughts-facebook-fan-pages-few-tips.html