What if hapiness isn't about being 100% happy?

Charly The Rabbit

Junior Member
Feb 17, 2016
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Hello BHW:

Some days ago I found a video about a mexican comedian called Odín Dupeyron

He became viral for a youtube video where he talk about hapiness from a very different approach.

If you didn't find a "passion" in your life is fine, not everybody have the luck to discover their passion. If you don't, it's ok. Do not suffer because society tells you "must" find a passion in your life.

Do not believe happiness is about being happy all the time, thats false, sometimes is good to be depressed, to be sad. Is in those moments where you can think about you as a human being.

Happines can't exist without sadness, both makes you to feel alive. Do not expect a flat life where everything is happy. There are certain moments in life which requires to cry and thats fine.

Life isn't fair, you can't always win, sometimes you must accept you have lose. You can't win all battles.
For ex: there is people who smoke all this life without developing cancer, and there are others who have lung cancer without smoking. Is that fair? not, but thats how life works, deal with it.

You are a good guy, but the girl you like prefer the jerk. Is it fair? not, but thats life, again life isn't fair. deal with it.

Fight to achieve your dreams is a must but don't expect to achieve it, not everybody can achieve their dreams, there are certain limitations, If you don't reach, is fine, don't overwhelm. But it's important to at least "try" to achieve your dreams, beucase if you don't "try" you will regret the rest of your life. But keep in mind failure is out there and embrace the idea that one possibility is to fail, don't estress to be successfull on everything because you can't

Only when you know life isn't a flat surface, when you know happiness and sadness are par of the same coin (life) is when you realise you are alive and thats makes life enjoyable.

What do you think ? is it mediocre, true, false, negative, positive, realistic?

Of course, you can't know happiness without sadness, you can't know love without hate etc.

But what really makes you happy? I think it's different for everyone.
In my opinion, i think that the most important thing is to be satisfied, happines comes and goes. But being satisfied with your life is amazing. And that is something that is up to each, there is no "standard"

EDIT: wow, this is from Feb 15th ... :)
In my opinion, i think that the most important thing is to be satisfied, happines comes and goes. But being satisfied with your life is amazing. And that is something that is up to each, there is no "standard"

EDIT: wow, this is from Feb 15th ... :)

Yea, being content I would call it.

I post this post 18 minutes ago, you are looking the date I join to this forum :)

Happiness is an overplayed meme, just like love. Propagated by marketers just like yourselves, used as a tool for manipulation.
Beauty, happiness, love, status.. All misrepresented and misunderstood, most of all by our own fears.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they don't exist. But they are temporary and illusory, they are not objective or external phenomena. You can feel love for someone, but you will never feel it all the time. You can feel happy, but you can never feel happy all the time. You might feel beautiful, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They exist only by contrast, and they are ever so relative. A millionaire can feel the misery of a poor man, and a poor man they joy of an Olympic gold medalist.
The perpetuated lie that any of these things are a permanent state is absurd, it is the pink in the colored glasses of the fool. The only measure of reality is you, do not let anyone tell you what your universe is supposed to look like.
Happiness is an overrated lie. No one in this world is truly happy. its just hormones playing with your brain making us forget that we have no reason to exist in this world. I’ve come to this conclusion early in my life we are complete waste of space.
we are complete waste of space.
Now that I have to disagree with. Without us there is no space to begin with, just an empty universe that will end without ever being known. If we have a purpose it is simply for the universe to know itself. Everything else we have to create ourselves.
Now that I have to disagree with. Without us there is no space to begin with, just an empty universe that will end without ever being known. If we have a purpose it is simply for the universe to know itself. Everything else we have to create ourselves.
There are 100 thousand million stars in Milky Way alone, and we know trillions of galaxies exist. what makes humans special?
There are 100 thousand million stars in Milky Way alone, and we know trillions of galaxies exist. what makes humans special?
I never said humans are special. But special is really a relative term in the first place, wouldn't you say?
Happiness is an overrated lie. No one in this world is truly happy. its just hormones playing with your brain making us forget that we have no reason to exist in this world. I’ve come to this conclusion early in my life we are complete waste of space.

Well if that's not the most emo thing I've heard today, I don't know what is.